Committed to Community!

“More and more Mainers are falling behind,

yet little is being done to lower energy costs,

reduce taxes, or help our coastal industries.

I was born here and have served Boothbay as

a selectperson for the last 16 years. I’m ready

to get to work tackling these challenges and

making Maine more affordable for everyone.

I’d be honored to earn your vote.”

-  Dale Harmon

Dale's Agenda for Maine:


Dale Harmon has served the Town of Boothbay for the past 16 years as a Selectperson, delivering quality services while keeping an eye on the bottom line. He’s worked 24 years with the Boothbay Region Water District, and knows all too well our infrastructure challenges and the need to invest in conservation and preservation. Born and raised in Senate District 13, Dale is committed to fighting for the industries and hard-working Mainers that are the backbone of our great state.